Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Winnie the Pooh-Marathon Extraordinaire?

July 17-4.96 miles ran, 48 minutes 51 seconds, 9:50 minutes per mile
July 21-3.02 miles ran, 28 minutes 30 seconds, 9:26 minutes per mile (New Best!)
Power Song for Today's Run: "Going the Distance" by Cake. Naturally.

My team coach sent us an email a few weeks ago that said "You never regret the workouts you do, only the ones you skip." I'm sure the email was intended for me alone as he undoubtedly foresaw the way I would be spending this last weekend (Watching Law & Order: SVU and working on a puzzle-1, Running the 7 miles instructed on my training schedule-0).

Can you blame me? How can Benson fight crime without my support?

Apparently my overwhelming guilt lit a fire under my butt because this morning I averaged my best pace yet. Or maybe the lasting images of Detective Stabler beating some hardened criminal senseless just gave me the little boost I needed.

In other news, I was running along this morning, minding my own business, when I noticed a bit of a draft around my midsection. To my horror (and no doubt the amusement of all passersby) my shirt had begun to crawl up my stomach, exposing my flesh.

It's a much cuter look on Pooh

I couldn't make sense of the situation, as the shirt had fit fine when I put it on before my run. When I got home and fully assessed the situation, I could see that my stomach had swollen to epic proportions. I've experienced bloating while running before, but my doctor assured me it was due to the release of hormones (or something like that. I can't promise I was giving her my full attention over the latest issue of US Weeky). Now let's be honest, I'm no toothpick naturally. But I like to think that I don't walk around appearing to be 7 months pregnant, either.

So then I got to thinking of all the overweight people I see on the streets everyday (you know, the ones who unknowingly have their bodies featured on news programs about the rising obesity rate in America). And I wondered how many of those people actually have quite normal figures, but were experiencing post-running-bloating such as myself? Is it possible that everyone in line at McDonald's is also training for the marathon?

Food for Thought,
Mary Marathoner


  1. You can do it girl. We know you can. Stay on your schedule, but when you run, always be alert.

    Ted and Jan Eberle

  2. I'm impressed that your wit has maintained the test of time. Anyone can practice their first blog in their mind for months, but to continue delivering the dry humor? With pictures that I can relate to so well because I'm such a pop culture princess? Now that's impressive. Then again, I suppose you've got a lot of time on your hands while hitting the pavement to be planning such statements. Sorry about the post-running-baby. Better than a food baby, and does much kinder things for your thighs. Love ya!


  3. Good luck on your marathon! I know it is a few months away but from what I hear the training is just as tough! Also, having a running belly is better than just a belly. Not naming any names, cough, kendra! ;)

  4. I dig your blog. I've been trying to figure out how to write a comment for about a month...finally figured it out:) I agree w/ Jen when she says that you no doubt ponder what you're going to write about on your daily run. That's no bueno about the Winnie the Pooh moment. However, it's good to know that the bloating is due to a release of hormones. I experience the same thing....when I run........and....."when" is a key word:) I dig the music, too. I'm sure MJ is smiling down from heaven when you gain momentum as his song comes on. I'm going to go ahead & give my naturally great advice and tell you that the only thing that would make you run faster at this point is "Swing Swing" by All American Rejects.

    Loooooooove u!
