It's all downhill after 24.
2. Sammy Wanjiru (2008 Olympic Marathon gold medalist from Kenya who is making his American debut at the Chicago Marathon) is threatened by the risk I pose to break his world record of 2:05:10 and is somehow conspiring against me.
Sammy's always trying to steal my thunder. Doesn't he know this is also MY American marathon debut?
Or 3. My cheap Nike+ system isn't very accurate. Which would also explain how I could run 5.05 miles to get to the beach, but only 4.9 miles to get back. Last time I checked, "there" and "back" are the same distance...unless you ask your grandpa, who will insist that you can walk uphill to school both ways.
If I were a rockstar marathoner like Sammy (or Oprah) I would invest in one of those fancy watches that is far more precise than the chip in my shoe that feeds information to my iPod. But who really wants to spend $300 on a watch when there are much more exciting things to buy? Such as:
-300 McChicken sandwiches (not including taxes or hospital bills resulting from inevitable heart attack)
-2 or 3 Ed Hardy t-shirts (depending on style and level of tool-ness)
-This uber creepy doll on ebay
If this doesn't give you nightmares, nothing will.
Priorities Schmiorities,
Mary (Slowpoke?) Marathoner
How do you expect people to comment if you don't even update regularly? Or are you waiting to update as a protest against the lack o' comments? Don't give up, stister. Just keep chasing pavements.